A blue gradient background with white snowflakes in the corner. The graphic says inclement weather update! It also has the Little Rock School District logo
Students from Hall-West STEAM Magnet High School’s health sciences academy stand outside an imaging room at the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute. From the doorway of the room, they viewed an MRI machine and learned about the precautions employees take to ensure safety around the machine’s strong magnetic field.
Little Rock Central High School
The Little Rock Southwest Renaissance Team
A digital graphic featuring Little Rock Central High School with a cloudy sky in the background. The words 'Little Rock NINE' are prominently displayed in bold black and gold lettering. Above this, the names of the nine students who integrated the school in 1957 are listed: 'Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Melba Pattillo, Gloria Ray, Terrence Roberts, Jefferson Thomas, Carlotta Walls.' To the right, there is a stylized 'LR' logo in black and gold. The historic school's facade stands in the background, highlighting its architectural details.
Welcome Head Coach Bobby Bolding to Parkview Arts/Science Magnet High School
Congratulations - Thea Foundation Scholarship Winners
"Congratulations! Forest Park Elementary, Jefferson Elementary, Roberts Elementary, and Wakefield Elementary recognized in the Arkansas School Recognition Program.  Forest Park Elementary: Top 5% Performance - $34,839.54, Top 5% Growth - $34,839.54 Jefferson Elementary: Top 5% Performance - $36,457.77, Top 5% Growth - $36,457.77 Roberts Elementary: Top 5% Performance - $97,474.56, Top 6%-10% Growth - $48,732.16 Wakefield Elementary: Top 5% Growth - $42,264.36 Text below: 'LRSD Among Top Performing and Growth Schools in Arkansas School Recognition Program.'"
Officer Tommy Norman poses with fifth-grade student Tyairah and Stephens Elementary staff; he speaks to students at an Honor Assembly about gun violence and drug prevention, fulfilling Tyairah's request.
decorative image
Dr. Mary Maris
Inclement Weather Update!
School lockers with the LRSD and UAMS logo
People pose for a group picture at Operation Warm
Early Childhood students at Rockefeller Early Childhood Center
decorative photos of students
Pinnacle View High School Shovel Ceremony