photo of flyer with board member names,, meeting dates.  same info in news article

The Little Rock School District will continue its "Listening Tour/Town Hall Sessions" on Thursday, September 19th, at 6 p.m. at Little Rock Southwest High School, 9715 Mabelvale Pike. Each School Board member will host the events, co-hosting some meetings with City of Little Rock Directors.

The public is invited to attend the meetings on the day of their choice and offer feedback on topics impacting students and families districtwide: the District's future (Strategic Plan), student cell phone use, and school calendar options - effective beginning next school year (2025-26).

Each LRSD Board member will robocall his/ her constituents to invite them to attend. Little Rock City Directors have also been encouraged to invite constituents to increase attendance and weigh in on these important topics.

Most sessions, except two, will start at 6 p.m.; a Spanish-speaking session on Thursday at 7:15 p.m., and a Saturday meeting at 10 a.m. Child care will be provided.

Weekday meetings: 6-7:15 pm
(Joint Sessions Noted Below as of September 18th)

Tuesday, September 17
- Sandrekkia Morning Zone 2 (Wakefield)
Thursday, September 19 - Michael Mason Zone 1/City Director Joan Adcock
(Southwest High School) Spanish-speaking session: 7:15pm
Tuesday, September 24 - Evelyn Callaway (West Central Community Center)
Wednesday, October 2 - Greg Adams Zone 8 (McDermott Elementary School)
Thursday, October 3 - Leigh Ann Wilson Zone 4/City Director Capi Peck (Terry Elementary)
Tuesday, October 15 - Anna Strong Zone 5 (Hall Media Center)
October 21 - Vicki Hatter Zone 6/Andrea Lewis (Henderson)
Wednesday, October 23 - Joyce Wesley Zone 9 (Roberts Elementary School)

Saturday meeting: 10-11:15 am

September 21 - Norma Johnson Zone 7/City Director Virgil Miller (Dunbar Community

*Please note that Board Member Evelyn Callaway's meeting will be held at the West Central Community Center on September 24.