Dear LRSD Family:
May is Mental Health Month, and the Little Rock School District (LRSD) is raising awareness about the important role mental health plays in our lives. We are encouraging members of the community to take action toward protecting their mental health and overall well-being.
This May, LRSD will focus its efforts on helping members of the community in the following ways:
•LEARN how modern life affects mental health with new resources to navigate our changing world.
•ACT by building a coping toolbox to manage stress, difficult emotions, and challenging situations.
•ADVOCATE to improve mental health for themselves, the ones they love, and their community
Mental Health America has created a toolkit to help individuals figure out where to start. The toolkit provides free, practical resources for addressing mental health. Go to to learn more.
If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition and are unsure of where to start, take a free, private mental health test at to determine next steps.
It’s important to remember that working on your mental health takes time. Change won’t happen overnight. Instead, by focusing on small changes, you can move through the stressors of modern life and develop long-term strategies to support yourself — and others — on an ongoing basis.