Originally Published January 2023


TO: Little Rock School District Families
FROM: Ron Self, LRSD Safety and Security Director
DATE: January 20, 2023,
RE: School Security Update

The Little Rock School District is committed to the safety and security of its students, parents, and staff. In our efforts to be proactive regarding security measures on our campuses and in our buildings, we wanted to update our community on the status of enhancements to our safety efforts.

The District has ordered weapons detection systems for all schools, which are anticipated to be shipped to LRSD beginning in February. Upon receipt, our teams will immediately begin installing the systems in high schools with the goal of completion by spring break. Installation at middle schools will follow and should be completed by the end of the school year.

Another major safety installation that is nearing completion at all campuses is the Centegix Crisis Alert system. Crisis Alert will allow an automated approach by staff and/or emergency teams to rapidly communicate and respond to incidents. Whether it is locking down a school or addressing a medical emergency, the Crisis Alert system will significantly increase response time. Barring any unforeseen delays, this system is expected to be operational by spring break.

The District has already upgraded camera systems at all secondary schools and many elementary sites. All schools are expected to have the new cameras in place by the start of the 2023-24 school year.

The LRSD Safety and Security team, school administrators, and our partners at the Little Rock Police Department will remain vigilant in ensuring that the safety of our children and staff remains at the forefront of our decision-making. It takes all of us working together to ensure safe schools, and the continued support of our parents and community will also be important to our efforts.

We will keep the community updated on our progress.