Originally published in August 2022
More than 1,000 students at JA Fair Preparatory Academy will benefit from the generosity of area Kroger stores following a donation of school supplies and snacks courtesy of the stores' employees. Spearheaded by Sheleah Harris, Corporate Affairs and Media Relations Director, this is the second such drive with LRSD by Kroger's Delta Division. Brady was adopted by Kroger previously for a similar event. Associates from several stores serving the Region 6 area dropped off and bagged the goodies ahead of the school's back-to-school bash on Thursday evening.
Recently appointed Delta Division President Micheal Cristal made the trip from Memphis to support the effort. "We've been partnering with the Little Rock School District for a little over seven years and our theme, our vision, is to feed the human spirit and we couldn't think of a better place to do it than JA Fair," said Cristal.