Upcoming Workouts

Dear parents of Mann Middle School Football students/athletes,

There will be a parent meeting on Sunday, July 28, 2024, at 6 pm in the Horace Mann Gymnasium. See the full presentation. Slide Show

This year's goal is to run to teams, 7th & 8th grade squads.

Athletes will need a current physical, a pair of football cleats, and a pair of football paints with all seven pads included—any color works. Cleats can be purchased online, at Academy Sports, and sometimes at Ross and Marshall's. Little Rock School District provides all other equipment. For more info, contact assistant coach, Roderick Bryan @ 501.447.3148 or head coach, Abram Buntin, Jr. @ 501.447.3118.

This year we are excited to announce that the team is fully staffed. We bring onboard, Ouachita Baptist University player/graduate, English teacher, Mr. Tommy Crumpton as a coach. new staff

New coach