UPDATED As part of strategic planning, LRSD created three task forces.The Early Childhood Education Task Force would like parent input on the future of LRSD's birth to pre-k programs. Please complete updated survey to provide input: https://lrsd.jotform.com/240737933710861
11 months ago, LRSD
Pre-school graphic that shows students' faces inserted in flowers, and says play, learn, and grow together
Good Evening, Educators: As part of strategic planning, LRSD created three task forces.The Early Childhood Education Task Force would like your input on the future of LRSD's birth to pre-k programs. Please provide your input in this updated link: https://lrsd.jotform.com/240738306032853
11 months ago, LRSD
Pre-school graphic with students' faces inserted in flowers, and says play, learn, and grow together
Enjoy the creativity of student artists at the 10th Annual Artistry in the Rock starting at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 12th, at the Hall Industry, Arkansas State Fairgrounds. Click on the following link to see the schedule: https://5il.co/2gbkw We look forward to seeing you!
11 months ago, LRSD
Artistry Schedule linked here:  https://5il.co/2gbkw
Mark your calendars!! AP Testing Schedule!!!
11 months ago, Hall STEAM
All 9th and 10th grade English students (virtual and in-person): Tomorrow is the Writing Test at Hall. Test begins at 9am. Please be to school on time with your charged Chromebook! See you tomorrow!!
11 months ago, Hall STEAM
****LRSD Board Work Session, Thursday, March 7th, 5:30 PM Agenda: https://lrsd.diligent.community/Portal/ Watch Live: www.lrsdlive.com
11 months ago, LRSD
clay figure with megaphone
A/B Honor Roll Ice Cream Social - April 19th - Stay in communication with your teacher and monitor your grades through the end of the 9 weeks!!
11 months ago, Hall STEAM
Please enjoy this month's health newsletter compliments of LRSD's Health Services team: https://5il.co/2fmss
12 months ago, LRSD
colorful heart shape
VIRTUAL STUDENTS ONLY!!! Virtual students enrolled in 9th and 10th grade English, will need to report to Hall on Tuesday, March 6th at 8:45 for testing. Please bring your LRSD Chromebook. Please contact Ms. Barnett (rebecca.barnett@lrsd.org) if you have any questions. 
12 months ago, Hall STEAM
Yearkbooks are still on sale through March 15th for $45. The price will increase after that date. To order visit https://yearbookforever.com/schools/hall_high_school_316254/B6jxpC2TVXEMA49hz31AulIl or clink on the QR code in the image. Contact Mr. Watkins if you have any questions!
12 months ago, Hall STEAM
LRSD & Caissa kick off phase two of the partnership to recruit/retain students. Caissa enrollment specialists will be contacting families this weekend. If you get emails or calls/texts from 501-503-3168, 501-512-1656, or 501-260-7244 -they are legitimate communication from LRSD.
12 months ago, LRSD
Caissa logo with photos in blocks: The competition is recruiting your students, training local law enforcement agency in media interaction and..., creating distirbuting & reviewing a national poll on student recrutiment, streamlining the benefit system of a local government agency
****LRSD Board Meeting/Public Comment, Thursday, Feb. 22, 5:30 PM Agenda: https://lrsd.diligent.community/Portal/ Public Comment: https://lrsd.jotform.com/form/203496938448067 Watch Live: www.lrsdlive.com
12 months ago, LRSD
clay figure with megaphone
Good evening parents. Hall 9th and 10th graders will take the ATLAS state practice test tomorrow. All students need to bring their charged Chromebooks to school tomorrow and be on time. Testing begins at 8:50 AM! Have a great evening!
12 months ago, Hall STEAM
This is a friendly reminder that schools are open tomorrow, February 16th. Parent-teacher conferences originally scheduled for tomorrow will be held after school on Tuesday, February 20th.
12 months ago, LRSD
Blue background with chalkboard and lrsd logo.  Says don't forget - class is in session Friday, Feb. 16th.  See you tomorrow.
Attention Parents/Guardians: TNT application window (Transfer No Transportation) runs Mon., Feb. 19-Thurs., Feb 22. See news article in following link: https://www.lrsd.org/article/1462131 for more or visit the Student Registration page on lrsd.org. Thanks for your support.
12 months ago, LRSD
clay figure with megaphone
Hello, Hall High Warrior Families. This is Principal McGee with an announcement. We will have a parent meeting on Monday, February 19, at 5:30 PM to inform you of the progress and plans for the merger with West High School of Innovation. We will meet in the Hall High School Library. We look forward to seeing you there.
12 months ago, Carlton McGee
Attention LRSD Stakeholders: Please read the important update to the current school calendar.Among other changes, the update impacts Fri., Feb. 16th.Students will now attend school on that day. For details, click here: https://5il.co/2ejjn Thanks for your support!
12 months ago, LRSD
clay figure with a megaphone
Come out and support our Hall Basketball team seniors on Senior Night, Friday February 9th at Cirks. Arena. Admission is $5. Alumni wear orange! Doors open at 5pm! Go Warriors!!
about 1 year ago, Hall STEAM
****LRSD Special Board Meeting/Public Comment and Work Session, Thursday, Feb. 8, 5:30 PM Agenda: https://lrsd.diligent.community/Portal/ Public Comment: https://lrsd.jotform.com/form/203496938448067 Watch Live: www.lrsdlive.com
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Clay figure with a megaphone
Come out and support our Hall Basketball team seniors on Senior Night, Friday February 9th at Cirks. Arena. Admission is $5. Alumni wear orange! Go Warriors!!
about 1 year ago, Hall STEAM