gears graphic with LRCH Science News

Little Rock Central High Students presented their independent research at the Arkansas State Science and Engineering Fair on March 30th and were awarded over $6300 in total prizes!

In addition, three students were selected for a trip to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) May 12th-17th in Los Angeles, California where they will compete with thousands of students across the world.  In total, Little Rock Central High has 7 students attending ISEF:

Siddharth Sridharan, Bhavana Sridharan, Olya Tryndyak, Yahya Younus, Bennet Chen, Dishant Sharma, Aniyah Meghani

Central student Siddharth Sridharan won the Best Overall award, with Bhavana Sridharan winning 2nd and Olya Tryndyak winning 4th

Congratulations to all the students who participated in independent research and Science Fair!