Congrats, LRCH SECME Engineering team, for winning 1st Place in the Dallas Regional - Prusa BEST Robotics Challenge! They designed, printed, and tested a 3-D-printed artificial heart.
12 months ago, LRSD
L-R: Ruthika Matapathi, Brandon Zhang, Amrita Choudhary - all 10th grade, and Ahmad Omar. 11th grade.
***LRSD Board Meeting/Public Comment Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 5:30 p.m. LRSD Boardroom, Admin Bldg. - 810 W. Markham Agenda: Watch Live:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Clay figure with megaphone
LRSD is thrilled to continue to transition to our new app, and introduce our new user-friendly website powered by Apptegy after Winter Break! Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, and more. Download Now! Android iPhone
about 1 year ago, LRSD
say hello to parent teacher chat chat events, documents, stream, classes, notfications, download on the app store, get it on google play, QR code, download the school district acpp from the ios app store or android play store and enable notificaitons, pictures of app on phone
***LRSD Board Work Session Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 5:30 p.m. LRSD Boardroom, Admin Bldg. - 810 W. Markham Agenda: Watch Live:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Join us to enjoy sights/sounds of the season w/special performances by LRSD students, starting Mon. @ 12:30 p.m.- admin bld, 810 W. Markham.Free, but attendees requested to bring a new/unwrapped toy for gift drive. May also watch on Schedule:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Performance schedule:
Please join us for a drop-in reception and celebration of public service as we swear in Board members Vicki Hatter and Anna Strong, and thank Ali Noland for her service to the LRSD community - Thurs., Dec. 7th, 4;30PM. Details are in the following link:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Swearing-in Ceremony Invitation.  Details here:
Don't forget the #OptimizingLRSD community discussion about enrollment, programming, & facilities. today at noon, Western Hills Elementary.
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Optimizing LRSD graphic
LRSD Board Meeting/Public Comment, LRSD Admin Bldg, 810 W. Markham, Boardroom Thurs., Nov. 16, 5:30 p.m. Agenda: Public Comment: Watch Live:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Clay figure with megaphone
#OptimizingLRSD Virtual Meeting Links: NOON - Join Zoom Meeting 6PM - Join Zoom Meeting
about 1 year ago, LRSD
graphic that shows a portion of the #OptimizingLRSD
Don't forget: we invite you to participate in another community discussion tomorrow @ Chicot Elementary pertaining to enrollment, programming, & facilities. In-person and virtual meetings are planned. Please use the following link to see the schedule:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
graphic of the Optimizing LRSD image. Link to flyer:
Reminder: if you are attending community Mtg for #OptimizingLRSD at noon today at Pinnacle View, 5701 Ranch, park beside the gym and enter thru cafeteria. Mtg will be in the project-based learning room. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!
about 1 year ago, LRSD
graphic that says optimizing Little Rock
Don't forget: we invite you to participate in community discussions starting tomorrow pertaining to enrollment, programming, & facilities. . In-person and virtual meetings are planned. Please use the following link to see the schedule:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
clay man with megaphone
**LRSD Special Bd Mtg/Pub Comment and Work Session; LRSD Admin Bldg, 810 W. Markham, Boardroom Thurs., Nov. 9, 5:30 p.m. Agenda: Public Comment: Watch Live:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
clay figure with megaphone
LRSD Spiritfest Recruitment Fair/Family Fun Event-Next Sat., Park Plaza - Nov. 11, 11AM-2PM. Check out informational booths & performances, plus a chance to win prizes., including a flat-screen TV. Click here for info:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
spiritfest image; link to complete flyer here:
Don't forget: we invite you to participate in community discussions starting tomorrow pertaining to enrollment, programming, & facilities. . In-person and virtual meetings are planned. Please use the following link to see the schedule:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
screen shot of graphic - info about meeting in link:
Reminder: Deadline is 5 p.m. tomorrow (Fri., Nov. 3rd) to share your ideas pertaining to our enrollment, programming, and facilities. Please use the following link to submit your proposals: Thanks for your support!
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Grpahic for Optimizing LRSD
We invite all community members to actively participate in shaping the future of LRSD by submitting proposals pertaining to our enrollment, programming, and facilities. Please use the following link to submit your proposals: Thanks for your support!
about 1 year ago, LRSD
snippet of grpahic that says reimagining lrsd and optmizing our tomorrow
LRSD Special Board Meeting/Public Comment, Thursday, October 19th, 5:30 p.m. Boardroom, admin bldg - 810 W. Markham Agenda: Watch Live:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
figure with a megaphone
Please see the important message below from the Little Rock School District Administration regarding the use of Scott Field. Click on the following link:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
Damage to Scott Field
One of LRSD’s chief responsibilities is to ensure a safe environment in all schools. To help support those efforts, LRSD's Bd approved changes to the Student Code of Conduct. Visit the following link:
about 1 year ago, LRSD
cover of code of conduct booklet