EXCEL Careers for Advanced Professional Studies

Contact Us

Lisa Huff
Coordinator of EXCEL Program/CTE Specialist
phone:  501.447.1215
email:   lisa.huff@lrsd.org

Shameka Montgomery
Director of Career Education/Metropolitan
phone:  501.447.1390
email:   shameka.montgomery@lrsd.org

Welcome to EXCEL Careers for Advanced Professional Studies

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EXCEL is not a traditional class — it’s an experience.

Part of the +12 Career Pathways offered through Advanced Professional Studies, EXCEL is an innovative program dedicated to equipping students, helping them find their passions, and setting them on a path to success. EXCEL is available to 10th-12th grade students at any Little Rock School District high school. 

How EXCEL Works

EXCEL is proud to be a part of the nationally recognized Center for Advanced Professional Studies, or CAPS, network. Across the country, students are moving confidently into their future and immersing themselves in professional culture — solving real-world problems, using industry-standard tools, and building relationships with local employers.

CAPS is centered on five core principles:

  • Profession-based Learning

  • Responsiveness

  • Self-Discovery and Exploration

  • Professional Skills Development

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset

EXCEL has five strands or career pathways:

  1. Construction Trades

  2. Education and Training

  3. Medical Professions

  4. Photography & Design Makerspace

  5. Tech Makerspace

EXCEL classes equip students through engaging experiences:

  • explore careers within a pathway

  • connect with community professionals in workplace settings

  • develop professional skills

  • use industry-standard tools

  • discover their interests and passions

  • collaborate with peers and professionals on real projects with community organizations and industries

  • engage with professional mentors

  • envision their future and plan a path to success

College Credit

Many of the courses in the EXCEL program are concurrent credit courses through UA-PTC and UALR, allowing students to earn both college credit and high school credit for courses they take at Metro or EXCEL. The college credit is transcripted by the college, and the high school credit is transcripted by the high school. Upon completion of a concurrent credit course, students may request a transcript from the college. Students should consult the Arkansas Course Transfer System to verify if credits earned are transferable to other colleges.


To learn more about the EXCEL program, visit the EXCEL website.

To join EXCEL, students should complete an online application and talk to their high school counselor to schedule courses.

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