School Choices

Educational choice provides parents with options on how best to educate their child, including school transfers and magnet school programs. Parents and students can take advantage of unique curriculum offerings, special emphasis programs and other activities. LRSD parents may apply for their child to attend a school outside of their attendance zone during a designated time period.  The other options for requesting new assignments are detailed below.


Reminder Regarding Opportunity School Choice Act

Please be advised that LRSD students’ residence-assigned to Level 5 - Intensive Support school districts and/or 'F' schools are eligible for Opportunity School Choice, including support for transportation. Applications are on a first applied/first accepted basis.

The application period runs from January 1st to May 1st. Applications submitted outside this window will not be accepted. Click HERE for the application. Please email this application to the Student Registration Office to the Attention of Brian:

If you are new to the LRSD and would like to apply for a magnet or specialty school, you can contact Student Registration ( or 501-447-2950 or send a message using our contact form - Español) to sign you up through maintenance.