Rooms Teacher/Staff Support

Thrillshare for Teachers

screenshots of the thrillshare app login screen and the list of classes teachers can see when they first log in

Teachers/Staff will use Thrillshare to publish classes using the website and Thrillshare Mobile to post announcements and send messages. Available for iOS and Android, you'll need this app to share information.

LRSD App for Parents

Coming May 2024 parent teacher messaging in the lrsd app say hello to parent teacher chat chat events, documents, stream, classes, notfications, download on the app store, get it on google play, QR code, download the school district acpp from the ios app store or android play store and enable notificaitons, pictures of app on phone

Parents/Guardians and students will use the LRSD app for district and school news, events, meals, and more. Within the app, they can switch to Rooms to access messages and announcements.

As we work to unify and streamline communication under one brand and in one location, we have decided to go with Rooms as our single source of truth and our one-stop-shop for all LRSD communication. Beginning during our 2024-25 school year, Rooms will be the only Little Rock School District approved app for communication.

Why Rooms?

  • One-time sign-in for parents. Once a parent sets up their parent/guardian account, they will have access to each of their LRSD student's classes and teachers. As student enrollment changes within our schools and throughout the district, the Rooms classes will automatically be updated within twenty-four hours.

  • Faster administrative support. All conversations can be accessed by appropriate school leadership to provide support when needed.

  • Unified branding and source of truth. With all LRSD using Thrillshare and Rooms, parents will be brought to one location to communicate with all staff/teachers.