PTA Council
What Is A Council?
A Council is a group of local PTA units organized under the authority of Arkansas PTA for the purpose of conferences, leadership training, and coordination of the efforts of such local PTA units. Beyond that definition, a Council is the first line of defense, support, and assistance to the local associations within its jurisdiction.
The purposes of a Council are to:
Unify and strengthen local PTAs comprising the Council;
Provide for the conference and cooperation of the local PTAs in the Council membership in order to create a public opinion favorable to the interests of children,
To encourage programs and projects in the various PTA units which will carry out the
Mission and Purposes of PTA, and to assist in the formation of new PTAs according to
The plan of Arkansas PTA; and
Promote the interests of National and Arkansas PTA.
The Council holds a strategic position in training and therefore in the structure of the PTA. In addition to the value as a liaison between the local association and the state, the Council helps establish attitudes, develop leadership and gives members help and encouragement as they broaden their horizons of service.
It is the Council's privilege and responsibility to help local units to function competently by giving their leaders suggestions on procedure, to unite in common projects, and to cooperate along definite lines of work for the improvement of conditions affecting the quality of life of children and youth.
Through its meetings, a Council enables local unit officers, chairmen and members to:
Receive helpful training for their specific responsibilities.
Compare methods of work.
Learn and apply PTA policies.
Learn and use the best procedure in conducting meetings, in analyzing needs and planning effective action programs, and in evaluating what they do.
Learn and practice sound procedures in problem solving.
Learn and practice effective leadership techniques.
Keep informed on educational developments and trends, on recent research in child guidance and development, and on legislation effecting children.
Keep informed about Arkansas PTA and National Congress programs and publications and learn how to utilize both of these.
Discover more effective ways to promote the use of OUR CHILDREN magazine.
Keep informed of the needs and programs in the schools and help interpret those needs and appropriate programs to the community.
Keep informed on other community needs and programs for children and youth and provide a medium through which local units can unite their efforts of unmet needs.
Relationships of Councils
Arkansas PTA and National PTA
1. Arkansas PTA and National PTA support the Councils by providing publications, workshops and State representatives to help each Council strengthen its member units.
2. Councils:
Alert Arkansas PTA when new schools are being built or when parent-school group shows interest in PTA
Are the catalyst that can make people aware of the need for action through the united strength of local PTA
Build local unit and public support for Arkansas PTA and National PTA legislative action
Bring into focus the total Arkansas PTA and National programs for local units use in close and friendly circumstances that no other level of the PTA can achieve
To Local Units
The relationship of a Council to its member units may be summarized as follows:
Inform, instruct, and inspire local units
Are responsive to local unit needs
Unify PTA activities in a community or a school district or area with the consent of its member units
Undertake Council projects only after a majority of the units vote to support them
Through a Council the local units act together on projects that a single PTA could not accomplish alone
A local unit makes its own decision about participation in a Council project
Conduct routine business
With due authorization by the individual units, may carry out their wishes in matters of common interest within Council boundaries
Councils do not:
Dictate to the local units
Legislate for the local units
set up rules for local units
take action involving member units without their consent
Duplicate the work or the programs of the local units
Take leadership away from local units or compete with them
Compel local units to enter into Council projects
Council Representative
Each unit should select a member to be its Council representative, the connecting link between the local unit and the Council. Council representatives can be Unit Presidents, Vice Presidents, Principals, Teachers, Immediate Past Presidents, and other members of the unit as stipulated in the local unit Bylaws
Representative’s Responsibilities:
Attend Council meetings and all meetings of their local unit.
Represent a unit in the voting body of the Council with one vote per representative. (Representative should not represent more than one unit.)
Keep a procedure book of their activities as a guide for future delegates.
Take accurate notes on Council meetings for reporting to their executive board or general membership. (See form on page 27.)
Report to the Council the local unit's decisions on issues.
Encourage unit members to attend Council programs.
Notify PTA members of next Council meeting.
Keep the unit aware of Council projects and programs.
Be familiar with Unit, Council, State and National PTA bylaws, policies and
Council Meetings
The Little Rock PTA Council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. Meetings are hosted by local unit PTAs and the locations of the meetings are published in the LRSD Calendar. Each unit is encouraged to send at least one representative to each council meeting and may send up to three representatives, those being the President, the Principal, and/or designated PTA Council Representative.
Council Fees
Each local PTA unit within the LRSD is required to pay a registration fee to the Little Rock PTA Council according to the following schedule:
High Schools $120
Middle Schools $ 90
Elementary Schools with enrollment over 300 students $ 60
Elementary Schools with enrollment under 300 students $ 30
Metropolitan, ACC, and Hamilton $ 25
These registration fees become payable at the beginning of each school year and must be paid no later than November 1. PTA registration fees are sent to the Council Treasurer.