LRSD Community Blueprint
Blueprint 2.0
Blueprint 2.0 - Supt. Mike Poore's Presentation to the Board 11.11.21
LRSD Community Blueprint Survey Feedback
Please click on this link below to see the LRSD Community Blueprint Survey Feedback
Summary of Community Survey Feedback to the LRSD on the Blueprint Roadmap
Summary of Community Blueprint Discussions
Please click on the link below to read the summary from the LRSD Community Blueprint Discussions.
LRSD Blueprint Roadmap 12_11_18 rev 1
LRSD Blueprint September 2018
To start community consideration of the District’s future facility and program needs, the School District administration and principals prepared a set of SIX areas in our District where we have significant needs for Facility Upgrades. We'd like to have more students and teachers in newer buildings and provide more opportunities for expanding Pre-K, establish more K-8 Schools so some students can attend one campus until high school, and expand Career/Tech exposure and experience.
The School District invited students, parents, teachers, community members, elected leaders, and business people to consider these draft options and provide advice, recommendations, or other ideas that could improve opportunities for learning and activity spaces in the community.
Summary of All Blueprint Perspectives.
This DRAFT SUMMARY reflects the prevailing wisdom and recommendations from the community and from LRSD staff. We had about 500 individuals participate at the five community design sessions and another 365 people complete the online reflective surveys.
Summary (English Version e Espanol)
0_SWHS_LRSD Survey n Session Input
1_LRSD-survey and sessions-McClellan Area
2_LRSD-survey and sessions-JAFair Area
3_LRSD-survey and sessions-Hall High Area
4_LRSD-survey and sessions-Pinnacle View Area
5_LRSD-survey and sessions-SWJr Hamilton Area
6_LRSD-survey and sessions-Downtown Elems Area
Labs_LRSD Survey and Sessions Ideas-Labs-BigPicture
Important Questions and Concerns from the Community
LRSD Facilities Planning Documents
Es nuestro compromiso proporcionar información a nuestros usuarios en inglés y español. Debido a la naturaleza voluminosa de este informe, hemos utilizado la herramienta de traducción para compartir información en el resumen. Si hay información que nuestras familias que hablan español no entienden, comuníquese con nuestro Departamento de ESOL y estaremos encantados de ayudarle. 501-447-3370