Dyslexia Information

Dyslexia Awareness Webinar

To participate in dyslexia awareness training, please view the webinar below and complete the corresponding quiz.   I will email principals a list of staff who have completed the video and quiz on May 17th, May 24th, and August 10th.  Once you have watched it and taken the quiz, you may enter it in as individual PD. 

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is characterized by
difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities.
These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is
often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom
instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and
reduced reading experience that can impede the growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.
~Adopted by IDA: November 2002

If you are concerned that your child may have characteristics of dyslexia, please contact your child's school to determine next steps. 

To learn more about dyslexia and characteristics of dyslexia, view the video below.

Characteristics of Dyslexia

Underlying Cause: Deficit in the phonological processing (Phonological awareness, phonological
memory, and\or rapid naming)
• Difficulty reading real words in isolation
• Difficulty accurately decoding nonsense or unfamiliar words
• Poor reading fluency (rate, accuracy, labored)
• Poor spelling


• Difficulty with reading comprehension
• Reduced reading experience that limits vocabulary and background knowledge
Arkansas Department of Education Dyslexia Resource Guide, Revised December 2017 

For questions, comments, or records request, please contact

Heather Bishop,

LRSD Dyslexia Specialist,

Email Heather Bishop


Act 1039 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b))

Dyslexia Intervention Program Information:

2019-present: In 2019, Little Rock School District began using the Wilson Reading System in small group intervention to adress the defecit areas of students identified as exhibiting characteristics of dyslexia.  Various teachers and professionals are trained in Lindamood Bell-LIPS, Take Flight, and/or Alphabetic phonics and may utilize these programs as needed to address student need.  For more information on the Wilson Reading System and other Wilson Language Training programs, you may visit thier website here. For more information about LRSD and Dyslexia Services, please visit www.lrsd.org/dyslexia. 

Dyslexia Intervention Program Information:

  • During the ​2023-2024​ school year, 1422 students​ attending Little Rock School District received dyslexia intervention services​ from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Tier 2 intervention numbers are not included in this total.

  • During the ​2022-2023​ school year, ​1,498  students​ attending Little Rock School District received dyslexia intervention services​ from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Tier 2  intervention numbers are not included in this total.

  • During the ​2021-2022​ school year, ​1,605  students​ attending Little Rock School District received dyslexia intervention services​ from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Tier 2  intervention numbers are not included in this total.

  • During the ​2020-2021​ school year, ​1,997  students​ attending Little Rock School District received dyslexia intervention services​ from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Tier 2  intervention numbers are not included in this total.

  • During the ​2019-2020​ school year, ​1,582 students​ attending Little Rock School District received dyslexia intervention services​ from a trained dyslexia interventionist.  During the 2019-2020 school year, LRSD adopted the Wilson Language Training programs, which are designed to create a multi-tiered system of support for all students.  Many students who were previously receiving tier 3 intervention made progress and began receiving tier 2 intervention.  Tier 2 intervention numbers are not included in this total.  

  • During the ​2018-2019​ school year, ​1,622 students​ attending Little Rock School District received dyslexia intervention services​ from a trained dyslexia interventionist.

Total Number of Students Identified as Exhibiting the Characteristics of Dyslexia​

  • During the ​2023-2024 school year,​ 1493 students​ attending ​Little Rock School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.

  • During the ​2022-2023​ school year,​ 1,522 students​ attending ​Little Rock School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia​.

  • During the ​2021-2022​ school year,​ 1,642 students​ attending ​Little Rock School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia​.

  • During the ​2020-2021​ school year,​ 2,010 students​ attending ​Little Rock School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia​.

  • During the ​2019-2020​ school year,​ 1,646 students​ attending ​Little Rock School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia​.

  • During the ​2018-2019​ school year,​ 1,658 students​ attending ​Little Rock School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia​.


Helpful Links

Literacy Curriculum:

Wilson Language Training

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness

Great Minds: Wit and Wisdom


International Dyslexia Association

The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity

What Parents Can Do

Support for Dyslexia/ University of Michigan

My Classlink

LRSD Dyslexia and Reading Intervention Documents and Forms

LRSD Dyslexia Staff Guide  (updated 9/10/21)- 

This document is a comprehensive guide to Dyslexia RTI, Intervention, Procedures, and Forms for LRSD staff. 

It includes most of the below resources

Flow Charts:

K-2 Dyslexia Screening Flow Chart (12-10-2020)

3-12 Dyslexia Screening Flow Chart (updated 12-10-2020)

Outside Diagnosis Dyslexia Screening Flow Chart Dyslexia (4/23/19)

Initial Screening (K-2):

K-2 Parent Initial Dyslexia Screening and Reading Report Parent Letter (updated 9/9/21)

Spanish K-2 Parent Initial Dyslexia Screening and Reading Report Parent Letter

Initial Screening Chart (K-2)   (updated 9/9/21)

Initial Screening K-2 Decision Tree

Act 940 

K-2 Parent Initial Dyslexia Screening and Reading Report Parent Letter (updated 9/9/21)

Spanish K-2 Parent Initial Dyslexia Screening and Reading Report Parent Letter

Letter for Reporting Independent Reading Levels Grade 3-8

Spanish Letter for Reporting Independent Reading Levels Grade 3-8

Level 1 Screening:

Parent Interview for Level 1 Screener (English and Spanish)   (updated 9/9/21)

LRSD Teacher Referral Form/ Early Indicator Checklist (updated 9/9/21)

Characteristics of Dyslexia Profile Forms:

Characteristics of Dyslexia Profile Form for K-2 (updated 9/9/21)

Characteristics of Dyslexia Profile Form for 3-12 (updated 9/9/21)

Level II/ Comprehensive Characteristics of Dyslexia Profile Form (updated 9/9/21)

LRSD Tier 2 Reading Intervention Recommendation Forms for 6-12 (not required):

LRSD Secondary Tier 2 Intervention Form (English and Spanish) (updated 9/9/21)

LRSD Tier 3 Reading Intervention/ Dyslexia Forms:

LRSD Tier 3 Reading Intervention Parent Form  (updated 9/9/21)

Spanish LRSD Tier 3 Reading Intervention Parent Form  (updated 9/9/21)

LRSD Tier 3 Reading Intervention Parent Packet  (updated 9/9/21)

Spanish LRSD Tier 3 Reading Intervention Parent Packet (updated 9/9/21)

Forms for Tier 3 Dyslexia Intervention Providers:

LRSD Dyslexia Intervention Resources and Links (you must sign in with your LRSD Google account to access)

Dyslexia Orange Folder Checklist

LRSD Dyslexia Materials.Records Transfer Procedures

Hard Copy of Dyslexia Screening and Intervention Form (CHANGE FORM) (updated 9/9/21)

Dyslexia Screening/ Intervention Reporting Form in CIS 

Sign into CIS with your district username and password.  

click on 1. Menu

            2. Student Services

           3. Dyslexia Screening/ Intervention

Possible IEP Goals for WRS Steps 1-6

Exit Forms:

Parental Consent to Exit Dyslexia Intervention (updated 9/9/21)

Spanish: Parental Consent to Exit Dyslexia Intervention (updated 9/9/21)

Action Plan and Presentations:

LRSD Dyslexia Plan Report: 08/30/2019

LRSD Dyslexia Audit: 2019

Elementary Dyslexia Awareness PowerPoint for reference

Secondary Dyslexia Awareness PowerPoint for reference

Dyslexia Awareness Quiz for LRSD employees

Additional Dyslexia Support

Arkansas Dyslexia Resource Guide

The Soar Binder: a binder for organization support

Wave notebook: notetaking support

Identifying Students with Dyslexia in Middle and High School

Dyslexia in the Classroom

Assistive Technology Support (updated 4-3-19)

Microsoft Learning Tools in Action

How to use the Immersive Reader Tool in Word Online

All students have access to Immersive Reader in Word and One Note in Office 365

  1. Go to the Microsoft 365 webpage

  2. Username: firstname.lastname###-first 3 numbers of student ID (ex. john.smith123)

  3. Password is Student ID number

Calm app( free for teachers):  an app to support mindfulness and reduce stress and anxiety

Read/Watch List


The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia

Embracing Dyslexia

Journey Into Dyslexia

How Difficult Can This Be: The F.A.T. City Workshop


Overcoming Dyslexia - New & Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level by Sally Shawitz M.D.

The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain by Brock L. Eide M.D. and Fernette Eide M.D.

Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties by David A. Kilpatrick, Ph.D.

Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills by Beverly J. Wolf M.Ed.

Language at the Speed of Sight: How We Read, Why So Many Can't, and What Can Be Done About It by Mark Seidenberg

10 Success Factors for Literacy Intervention: Getting Results with MTSS in Elementary Schools by Susan L Hall

Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction by Marcia K. Henry Ph.D.

Equipped for Reading Success by David Kilpatrick, Ph.D.