Allowable Expenditure Guidelines

Title I funds are to be used for the purpose of student achievement, staff development, and to build parent capacity to better support their child’s educational attainment.  In general, Title I funds are to be used to enhance the regular school program and should be consistent with the Arkansas Consolidated School Improvement Plan (ACSIP).  When determining if expenditures are appropriate, ask the following questions:

  • How does this expenditure directly support student achievement?

  • How does this expenditure directly support staff professional development?

  • How does this expenditure increase the participation of parents in school activities or assist parents to support student achievement?

Little Rock School District follows expenditure guidelines for federal programs as set forth in State and Federal Regulations.  It adheres to a standard that all expenditures must be reasonable, ordinary and necessary in order for a cost to be reimbursed.  

The attached list provides a partial listing of Title I expenditures.

If you are unsure that a proposed expenditure meets Title I (ESEA) or District guidelines, please contact Leon Adams, Director of Title I at (501) 447-3350 or Kelsey Bailey, Chief Financial Officer at (501) 447-1010.

Reference:  Federal Cost Principles