All About Hall-West School of Innovation
6700 H. St, Little Rock, AR 72205
Home of the Warriors!!!

Hall-West School of Innovation
Hall, home of the Warriors, has a rich history dating back to when it opened in 1957. Hall was reconfigured into a STEAM magnet school in 2019 focusing on STEM Education. Hall has no attendance zone and students must complete a magnet choice application to attend.
In 2024, Hall was merged with LR West High School to create the Hall-West High School of Innovation. A School of Innovation is a school that “transforms teaching and learning,” and defines innovation as “a new or creative alternative to the existing instructional and administrative practices.” SOI-designated schools are engaged in practices that are intended to improve academic performance and learning for all students.
If you would like more information about our current programs and pathways or would like to request a tour, call 447-1900
Hall-West School of Innovation - "Empowering minds to shape tomorrow through creativity, curiosity and collaboartion".