Forest Park Elementary Advanced Academics Program

The purpose of the Elementary Advanced Academics Program at Forest Park is to provide students with enrichment and challenge that goes beyond the regular curriculum. Mr. Jason Finney, our school’s Gifted Specialist, provides weekly thinking skills enrichment for all K-2 students. During these lessons students work on convergent and divergent thinking, science process skills, evaluative and visual-spatial skills, and creative writing.

Gifted identification begins at the start of third grade. The Little Rock School District uses a multiple measure, blind screening identification process, based on local norms. Identified students receive 150 minutes of instruction each week in Mr. Finney’s classroom. Often working within thematic units, students focus on critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, research skills, and social-emotional intelligence. Mr. Finney also coordinates many extracurricular activities and competitions, including the Student Council Elections, Spelling Bee, International Academic Competitions, Johns Hopkins CTY, Mathletes, Quiz Bowl, and Science Fair.

Please feel free to call Mr. Finney (447-4531) if you have any questions.

Forest Park Elementary Advanced Academics News

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G.T. Specialist Bio

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