Carver Magnet House System

house system

The Carver S.T.E.A.M. Magnet House System features six Houses - our learning and leadership communities for students. Each house has its own properties such as: color, symbols, nation of heritage, history, and more. Over time, each House starts to take on its own values and personality driven by the culture of the students and staff within it. When students are sorted into their Houses, we like to say that their “golden envelope” is choosing students based on the qualities and characteristics that each student values, along with motivation, interests, and ambitions. 

As part​ of our House System, students can earn points for exhibiting different types of positive behavior. We strive to not only teach academics at Carver but we also want to reach the social and emotional needs of our students. Our House System helps us do just that. We teach social skills to our kids that we expect them to exhibit on a daily basis. When students are caught doing these things they are given points. At the end of each 9-weeks, we take all the students in the winning house on a celebratory field trip to someplace special. We've been to Crater of Diamonds State Park, Pinnacle Mountain, Professor Bowl, The University of Central Arkansas's Planetarium to name just a few.

Awarding Points:

  • House points can be earned based on positive behavior (1 point per behavior)

  • House points cannot be taken away once earned

  • A celebration will take place at the end of each 9-weeks for the winning house

  • A recognition will take place at the end of the year for the House of the Year

  • House points will start over each 9-weeks, but a cumulative total will be kept for the end of the year